Posted in September 2020Pictures of my layout.
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Day and night views of the City
Day and night views of the station
Station at night
The layout has a "red light" distric not far from the "Rathaus"
A view of the mountain and a railcar and the black kroc on the upper level.
Night view of part of the small village located on the main (middle) level
The firehouse in the small village
One of the city streets
A view of the city from above.
Night view of the city from above
Another night view of the city from above
Another night view of the city.
The factory on the main level.
The Central Station and other controls. A veiw toward the far wall.
A view of the church and the city section on the main level.
A view of the rathaus and the city section on the main level.
The BR 218 pulling a passenger consist rounds the curve on the left upper level. Below on the main level is the city section.
The bridges on the left upper level with the city below on the main level.
The Wurttemberg Class 18.1 (S 3/6) rounding a curve on the upper level. The track in the foreground is the beginning of the ramp that connects the upper level with the main level.
A view across toward the three levels on the right side of the layout.
A view of the three levels on the right side. Also seen on the floor are two MTH O gauge trains. They operate on a dog bone loop on both ends with a single siding. The grandchildren love to operate the "big" trains. They are digital and have great sounds including individual station announcements for the #1 IRT subway cars that are on the outer track.
The space between the right and left sides of the layout. Note the two MTH Baldwin diesel loks. These diesels produce realistic smoke and have great sounds.
The Central Station and two Mobile Stations are used to run the layout. The led lights that illuminate the main and lower levels are contolled with the remote that you see on the main level.
The three levels on the right side.
The city section on the left main level.