The April 1999 MEA Meet
Here are some pictures of the April MEA Meet. If you can identify anyone in a picture, e-mail me and I will add the names.
The organizer, Steve Seyer.
"I don't see your name listed. Are you sure you paid your MEA membership dues?"
Some of the meet participants.
Scott Housman examines a problematic engine. If anyone can fix it, he can.
George Kuhn chats with an MEA member.
Ed with his brother, Will, explaining a Märklin fine point to Mr. & Mrs. Tom Crocus. Note Will's handy Koll's in his back pocket.
The Intellibox was demonstrated at the show. It drew a lot of attention.
Robert Frowenfeld, TPL author, demonstrated the Intellibox which works with TPL.
Robert Frowenfeld admiring his Intellibox demonstration tracks.
Michael Bonczewski at his table while Bob Monahan talks to Wolfgang Bauer in the background.
Doriet Dekker, all the way from the Netherlands, sets up her table.
One of MEA's Canadian members, Wolfgang Bauer, with Jim Geratowski's in the background facing away.
Bob Monahan draws a map to his store for Georg Brockmann, an MEA member who has come from Mering, Germany.
The organizer, Steve Seyer, has a lot to smile about - another successful meet.
Some of the older 1 gauge items.
Chatting about 1 gauge.
Another look at a 1 gauge building.
Some of the 1 gauge engines at the show.
Ed and his son, Randy, with his brother, Will.