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ictures of the Insider Pneumatic Diesel engine (Märklin 3720). There are two V32's seen in these pictures. The engines were pneumatic engines that used heated air. These engines, first used in 1929, were in use around Stuttgart for several years. The cost effectiveness of these engines was no better than steam loks and their use was discontinued.P
ictures of the Insider Rotary Snow Plow (Märklin 26830) being pushed by Condenser steam lok (Märklin 37171). This is a fantastic combination suggested by Ricky on the MML. The snow plow has rotating blades, a set of working lights and a single head lamp, doors and a chute that can be manually set for throwing the snow right or left and it has realistic sound. Suethe #11 smoke units can be added to both the snow plow and the lok for more realism. Märklin did a great job on this one. There are pictures of the Snow Plow moving through snow drifts.P
ictures of the Insider Rotary Snow Plow which is pushed by a Br 52 steam lok (Märklin 26830). This is a fantastic working set. The Snow Plow has rotating blades, a set of working lights and a single head lamp, doors and a chute that can be manually set for throwing the snow right or left and it has realistic sound. Suethe #11 smoke units can be added to both the plow and the lok for more realism. Märklin did a great job on this one.P
ictures of the V188 double diesel (Märklin 37282) pulling a consist of passenger cars. There are several pictures of the V188 lok passing through the farm section of my layout. This is a great engine with diesel engine sounds and a horn sound.S
everal pictures of a Royal Bavarian State Railways (K.Bay.Sts.B.) S 3/6 steam lok (Märklin 37185) pulling Württemberg passenger cars. The S 3/6, with its beautiful detail, is one of the most frequently collected engines.Several views of the Inter City Express (ICE) DB 401 (Märklin 37701)including one showing it crossing the trestle on its way to the Calw Station.
Waiting to enter the mainline on a siding below is a Trans Europ Express (TEE) passenger train which includes the Märklin digital Waiter Panorama Car. Along side the TEE is another passenger train which includes the digital Dance Car. The background scenery makes the picture look very realistic.Several views of the Shell refinery and one picture of the Esso refinery. A DB Class 212 hydraulic diesel engine (Märklin 3147) is ready to pull a consist of Shell tank cars, some two axle and others four axle. I like to put consists together which have cars that match. The buildings are primarily Vollmer models with some Kibri.
everal views of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) Ae8/14 double engine (Märklin 37591) as it moves on the mainline and as it approaches a freight station. The engine is pulling a long consist of 15 Von Haus/Zu Haus container cars. This is a very powerful engine well worth having on any layout.T
he Insider Condenser DB 52 engine (Märklin 37171) with turning fans. I have added a Seuthe smoke unit to the engine. The fans are turned on with the F1 function and the smoke with the F2 function. Two of the scenes show a top view of the condenser engine with one view of the SBB Ae 8/14 engine. The other two scenes show the engine hauling a consist of Von Haus/Zu Haus container cars.T
his a a factory scene with a consist, pulled by a (Märklin 3652) Swiss Crocodile, waiting on a siding to be loaded. The roundhouse and turntable are just behind the factory.
his is a view of the back of side of the roundhouse and the three sidings that are adjacent to it. The sidings connect to the turntable. The (Märklin 3426) Belgian VT 651 railcar runs a route that brings the turntable to its siding; it enters the turntable; the turntable returns to the main line, the railcar runs a route around the layout returning to the turntable; the railcar is returned to its original place, ready for its next run. The factory is in the background.T
his view shows the roundhouse and the turntable with a (Märklin 3084) Class 050 2-10-0 decapod in the process of being routed to the mainline. Two (Märklin 3720) pneumatics are on the siding adjacent to the roundhouse. An electric freight-car engine is next to it and a (Märklin 3426) Belgian VT 651 railcar is on the third siding. A coaling station and crane are a part of the scene.A
gas tank and coaling station make up part of this scene in the industrial part of the layout. Two (Märklin 3720) pneumatics can be seen next to the roundhouse. Two cranes, one used for engine repair and the other as part of the coaling station, partially obscure the (Märklin 3683) freight-car engine and the (Märklin 3426) Belgian railcar.
yard, with two (Märklin 3071) Dutch/Swiss RAm/TEE 1 (Trans Europ Express)T
his is a view of one of the sidings with a (Märklin 3655) S-Bahn commuter train on one of the sidings. It is pulled/pushed by a (Märklin 3655) DB class 111 electric engine. These commuters are used in the Rhine-Ruhr region. In the lower left is the (Märklin 3750) Elizabeth ICE train. In the background is a consist of VTG tank cars being pulled by a (HAG 240) BLS Ae 8/8.T
his view shows the industrial section in the foreground and the city section in the background. A (Märklin 83307 Museum 1994)tank engine with a work train is waiting on the siding. The water tank and turntable is seen with a (Märklin 3084) Class 050 2-10-0 decapod moving on to the main line. In the second picture, an SBB Ae 8/14 is seen pulling a consist.
he work train pictured here is on a siding waiting to enter the main line to do repairs down track. It is pulled by a (Märklin 83307 Museum 1994)tank engine. It consists of two (Märklin 4611) crane cars with trailing flat cars, a ballast hopper car and a flat car with ties.Revised:
view of the village section with two passenger trains, one pulled by a (Märklin 3609) Prussian steam tank engine and the other by a (Märklin 3412) tank engine. A saw mill with a DB (Märklin 3680) Köf II diesel engine and a consist of lumber cars on a siding adjacent to it is in the center of the picture. The Köf II and the mill itself are hidden from view.
n aerial view of the industrial yard section with two (Märklin 3071) Dutch/Swiss RAm/TEE 1 (Trans Europ Express)A
view of the Calw Station. Two SBB CFF FFS commuter trains are seen in tracks 2 and 3 waithing for a inter-regional train to arrive. This station is the point through which all passenger trains pass with stops to allow transfer to the commuters. There are several scenes of the street adjacent to the station.A
BLS 465 engine with passenger cars begins its route around the layout. There are two pictures of this engine and its cars. It is a very smooth riding train with a 6090 decoder which allows for acceleration/deceleration settings that make the starting and stopping of the engine very realistic. A consist of Schwechat 2000 Heizolleccht tank cars can be seen passing over the trestle in the background.S
everal scenes showing the Märklin Idee+Spiel 'Graffiti train. It consists of a BR 111 engine and three passenger coaches. Each coach and the engine are painted with graffiti. The last coach has a control cab. The scene is the background used along the backwall for the center section of the layout.O
ne of the best running engines on the layout is the (Märklin 3611) K.W.St.E. Beautiful Lady of Wurtemberg Class C locomotive. With its vintage passenger coaches it is also one of the most attractive trains on the layout. The engine runs so smoothly that it coasts to a stop. An engine well worth having. There are several pictures that show the train approaching the Calw station.S
cenes showing track workers. The workers arrived at this site by railtruck just beyond the switch. A consist of depressed flat cars with transformers is seen on the right. In the background is a (Märklin 3776) double railcar that tilts as it rounds a curve waiting to be cleared.
Views of the Pendolino (Märklin 3776) railbus. This rail bus tilts as it rounds curves. It is seen crossing the bridge, running along the river, stopping at Calw and rounding several curves.
iews of the truck train pulled by a V220 (Märklin 37803) diesel engine which has diesel engine sounds and a horn sound. The train is seen as it passes the industrial section of the layout.
ictures of the Märklin (37531) BR 120 Christmas lok. The lok is seen pulling a consist of Christmas cars (Weihnachtswagens) from 1993 to 1998. The 1998 car is a tank car. The 1999 car is a flat car with Santa and a Christmas tree.Wir wünschen Ihnen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest
und ein gutes neues Jahr.