Pictures from Antonio Martinez who belongs to a Märklin "fan" club in Spain. This Yahoo group, LCTM, is four years old. One of its members works for AVE or "Alta Velocidad Espaņola" (Spanish
High Speed). The group goes on trips using AVE trains and with the help of its AVE member the group gets an opportunity to ride in the cab of the train they are traveling on. Antonio has submitted various pictures their trips and of trains in Spain. They include some great pictures of the what they saw from the cab during their trips. In 2002 the trip was from Madrid to Cordoba and in 2004 it was from Madrid to Ciudad Real.
The group boards as normal passengers and then several at a time are invited up to the cab. To get there you must leave the pressurized coaches and cross from coach to engine. As you do so, Antonia reports that you suddenly hear the sounds of a lok traveling at 200 Km/hr. Once inside the engine you pass along a narrow corridor leading to the cab. You are walking past motors that have the power of 3,000 CV and are drawing 600 amps. Needless to say you can smell, hear and feel the power of the motors.Once in the cab it is air conditioned and sound-proof.
The pictures show cab views of the routes as well as the controls in the cab. The group has ridden in the cabs of various loks including a Renfe and AVE trains.