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The M & R G Model Railroad
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Track workers Hang Out

The shed is balsa, the figures are white metal. The car is a 1:25 scale plastic kit. The propane tank was at one time a HO scale tank car. The hand-car is an Ozark kit. Barrels of all shapes, some bent with a hair dryer, litter the scene.
A close up of the previous scene reveals a track repair crew of one person, two cats.
Too bad that 24 (scale) foot high, 40 (scale) foot cat from the planet 'Upstairs' didn't show up. Left over parts from Pola kits and other various junk litter the scene.


Many years ago, Walters offered several G-scale building of which, the station was one. The station was detailed inside and out with products found in doll house stores along with scratch built items.
The figures are a mixture of hand-painted LGB, Preiser and white metal figures from various sources.
To the right of the station is a little park. It contains a few park benches and trees along with a white metal conductor keeping his eye on the LGB lovers. The fence and a Model Power street lamp. is made from wood dowels. The building in the distance is the Korber Models Aunt Millies Farm kit.

Ice House.

Reefers are iced down for a cross-country trip at this two car siding. The building is a simple balsa structure and the platform could have had a more sturdy appearance by using additional cross members. The deck is made from trimmed popsicle sticks referred to as 'craft sticks'.. The figures were modified LGB and Kalamazoo to handle various left over Pola tools. The ice is wax. The crane was made from scrap wood and rides on 2 pairs of HO freight trucks. A cheap chain rides on gears made of HO dummy-diesel wheels.

Standing there, one can get all wet.

The water tower was my first scratch-built project. Centered in the area formed by the Y, the water tower nicely fills an otherwise dead space.

Two rows of popsicle sticks were glued to three 9" diameter circles cut from plywood and bolted together over some scrape 2'x4'. Popsicle sticks were trimmed and glued to the outside. A thin copper tape was used as the support bands.
The spout and frame were constructed from commercially available wood, styrene products and scrape HO parts. The roof is cardboard with Woodland Scenics ballast glued on. The unknown figure is a very husky 1:20 scale, the ladder was scratch built. Assorted junk from assorted manufacturers liter the scene.

Hoods Milk Plant

Yes, Hoods (on the right) is a New England Company and really is out of place. The plant offers a major (usually) 3 car siding. The platform is popsicle sticks and the milk cans were a real find several years later. The building itself has one lighted and detailed office where an LGB figure works very hard at keeping the books.

The flatcar is a Bachmann car with a stripwood deck. Re-painted box-car red, it carries M&RG reporting marks. The bulkhead flat with pipe-load is a USA Trains product.

Ahhhh, the new shipment of pentiums has arrived!
How many LCL (Less than Car Loads) equal a car load?

A combination Y (not visible on right) and yard offers some storage. The loading dock was made from, you guessed it, the popsicle sticks. The bow-legged figure is from Kalamazoo and the scratch built water tower can be seen in the distance.

The M & R G Model Railroad
Nice Shots
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Silly Shots
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Rolling Stock
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Motive Power
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Modeling / Scenes
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Introduction Track Plan About
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The web site was designed so that pages may be accessed in any order. R. Glass
All images copyright ©R. Glass Last Modified: